Occupational Health Profile Handbook (draft) by MOHPA

Invitation to Contribute to Occupational Health Profile for Asia Pacific

Dear Occupational Health Professionals,

We are writing to you today to invite your esteemed organization to contribute to a comprehensive Occupational Health Profile for the Asia Pacific region.

This initiative aims to provide a detailed overview of the current state of occupational health in the region, highlighting key challenges, best practices, and opportunities for improvement. We believe your organization’s expertise and

experience would be invaluable in enriching this profile.

We are currently seeking contributors and co-authors to review and provide constructive feedback on a draft of the Occupational Health Profile. Your insights and recommendations will be crucial in shaping a comprehensive and impactful document that can serve as a valuable resource for stakeholders across the region.

We would be grateful if you could kindly review the draft profile and provide your feedback at your earliest convenience. We are available to discuss this further and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us at malaysiaohpa@gmail.com or Dr Shawaludin Husin 60 13-368 7255.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to collaborating with
you on this important project.

Dr Shawaludin Husin
President Of Malaysian
Occupational Health Practitioners
Association (MOHPA)

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